shopify integrations api, integrate your shop or product source to shopify based website


bulk update

tags based collection




Note : service is supplied under montly price,

100,00 $

Auction and e-commerce Site
Web application required for online auctions. Once the auction method or real-life auction rules are determined, the winning customer is entitled to receive the work, product or antique value and the final result is sent to the customer.
The Management Panel is very simple, but the system is very useful for our customers.

more detail :

GeoIP (Country and Continent) Criteria decide from admin panel at which country or continent to open which currency and and which language first. 

250,00 $
200,00 $


Automaticly update active currency rate  using api service

50,00 $

After installing this theme you will have a portfolio photography website as shown in demo. The template also includes multi-slider and photo galery plugin.

65,00 $

After installing this theme you will have a photography website as shown in demo. The template also includes multi-slider and photo galery plugin.

70,00 $

Multi Slider is a plugin module that enable admin user to add unlimited slider regardless of default slider. if you need different slider for different pages it provides you great solution with options such as selecting different theme for slider, enabling you to assign any page positions.

20,00 $

Dynamic Page Position is a system modifying plugin. The key feature of the plugin is enable admin user to assign any module or any dynamic content(content, product, etc.) to any link or page positions(left,right,center, etc.). By default cart21, it is only assignable to static pages. But  Dynamic Page Position enable you to assign  any  modules, content, product, etc. to any link visible on front.

20,00 $

Support package includes "How to" and bug support

Contact media:  Email, support ticket, remote desktop support, skpe, phone

110,00 $

A plugin is codes that modify or brings new features to default Cart21.

  • Template module : Convert html to Cart21 Template.
  • Static Plugin module 
  • Dynamic Plugin module
  • Modifying Plugin
  • Migration to cart21
200,00 $

Aqua Marina Theme is designed and implemented on Cart21 system. It can be used for general purposes not only e-commerce.

85,00 $

 Tevto Template is designed and working on Cart21 e-commerce open source system

60,00 $

Red Shop Template is designed and working on Cart21 e-commerce open source system

60,00 $

We are developing custom software website ?

What is custom software or custom development ?

Custom software is code developed for custom demand.

This service includes 

Web applications, web projects, E-commerce, plugins(Extentions), templates (custom webdesign, css-html) 


After installing this plugin contact us tab will appear on the right bottom of all front page. when you click it will toggle contact us form.

5,00 $

Staff profile plugin enable you to create staff profile and manage for front website.

15,00 $

This plugin enable you to show the shop location as marker on contact page using Google Maps Api

10,00 $

This plugin is a modifying plugin and  adds Google Analytics code before  body close tag  and enable you to use  Google Analytic 

5,00 $

Projects, Tasks, Task status
With Task Management  you can register your task and make them in organized shape in terms of Projects, Tasks, Task status, Task Workers.The plugin is a management tools visible on Admin Panel  do not have any effect on front side.

150,00 $

This Plugin includes Black Photograhy template and  Photography software plugin 

60,00 $

After installing this theme you will have a photography website as shown in demo. The template also includes multi-slider and photo galery plugin.

60,00 $

This Plugin includes Ciro Photography template and  Photography software plugin 

60,00 $

This Plugin includes a default Photograhy template and  Photography software plugin 


50,00 $

it is Static Plugin module that enable admin user 

  • to add photo galeries.
  • to add unlimited photos under a photo galery 
  • ....
30,00 $